Sunday, November 2, 2008

Is it too late?

Where to go?

  • Topics Discussed with dates spanning discussions:

It’s hard to find a place these days. With the limited amount of jobs out there, teachers (especially newer ones) have a hard time finding the grade they want. From the starting teachers I have talked to they always have a particular grade that they are dying to teach. “Oh I would love a Second grade class!”, “Me? I’d like a higher grade like Seventh.” But is it really all it’s cracked up to be? Are those student teaching memories nothing like the real thing?

One teacher explains her difficulty with teaching the 5th grade. She explains that even through it is her second year of teaching that stage, she doesn’t know if it’s the right age for her. She taught younger grades, and felt as if those subbing days were going to be anything like the real thing. In her short post, she asks for the advice of her fellow teachers on what to do.

  • Explain areas of agreement, disagreement, concerns, advise, etc.

Most teachers agreed that they too had other grades they would like to teach, but have found a home in the grades they are in now. A lot of the teachers that responded have been teaching a long time, and have had their pros and cons about each grade.

Some advice was what level of independence you prefer. Were there a lot of hands on play that you would like to do? Did you want to teach the basic levels that prepare students for the later grades? Did you enjoy a certain level of independence? Those questions were a lot of the advice that fellow teachers said that you should ask yourself to verify where you would feel most comfortable.

There was one teacher however, who had been teaching quite a long time, that gave a great piece of advice. He stated that no matter what grade you teach, you need to establish a clear set of rules and be *consistent* with them at all times. Also, if teaching in a K-5 building, go around to the other classrooms and see what happens there. You might be luckier than you thought.

  • Include any followup of activities that you tried with your students that you had

learned about from the list, shared with other teachers, or used for another graduate course.

I am in the exact same position that the author is in now. I am currently teaching in Middle School and I am not enjoying myself at all. Honestly, I am counting down the days until June. Many of the teachers I work with feel frustration within my school, and tell me that I am young enough to where I have a lot of freedom still. I go around and check out my school on a constant basis, and still feel the same lost feeling as I do within my own classroom. It could be just the school I am at (since I really enjoyed my experience last year in a different school), and next year could be a completely different tale.

I am close to completing my Master’s, and a whole new door can open for me once I am certified in High School. Though I know those students have their own quirks, I have a feeling I will like it better.


SJUPROF said...

Hi - You can edit your profile so it will iinclude your name when you post.

What were some of the pros and cons that teachers wrote for the different grades?

The advise that was given was asking the teacher to reflect on him/herself which probably was the best advise. Better than just suggesting what to do, since reasons for wanting to teach different grades differ so much by the person and the schools.

What subject do your teach?

Why not post a question to the list asking for advise on how to obtain a position at the high school level? Interested in hearing what the teachers have to say.

Dr. S

Pisces said...

Hi. Dr S. It's Jenn again.

A lot of the pros for the higher grades was independence. Most of the teachers that work in that area love that they tell the students what is to be expected of them, and they are able to accomplish it on their own.

The down side to that was the attitudes you'll get the higher you go. Especially in Middle School students seem to want to socalize rather than do work.

I would know, I teach 5-8 math, 5-6 health, 6 reading and religion and babysit those animals I call the Sixth grade room.

I made an account on that website you sent me, and plan on writing that exact question. I would like to teach High School and I would like to know what they say,